Simple Migraine Relief Recipes Ideas

Migraine headache is a part of migraine - a larger complaint. Yet to many, the pulsating, throbbing headache, often only on one side of the head, is itself a migraine. There may be a preceding aura, but the headache spurs the demand for Today Fitness.

Making Your Body Give Today Fitness

The human body has amazing powers to heal itself, given the opportunity. This Natural Today Fitness is not only possible, but preferable to prescription medications that offer Today Fitness at the price of unwanted side effects.

This Today Fitness comes from the release of endorphins. The word “endorphin” means “morphine within”. Just as with morphine prescribed by a physician, endorphin dulls the pain. It is a natural pain killer.

Releasing Endorphins

You can stimulate your body’s natural pain-numbing powers, releasing endorphins into the blood stream and gaining Today Fitness with a few simple actions.

1. Burst into laughter. Watch a comedy, look at cartoons, or read a hilarious book. Keep such on hand for Today Fitness. Scientists have proven what the Bible said thousands of years ago, “A merry heart does good like a medicine.” Bursting into laughter releases endorphins, and provides almost immediate Today Fitness. The body’s “feel-good chemicals” are that close to your fingertips.

2. With fingers or thumb, apply pressure under your eyebrow on the side of the head that is aching. There is a nerve there that can cause your pituitary gland to release endorphins immediately, giving the Today Fitness you seek.

3. Cayenne pepper can also stimulate Today Fitness by releasing endorphins. Stir 9 or 10 teaspoons of cayenne pepper into a glass of cold water. Drink the water immediately. As the cayenne pepper hits your stomach lining, nerves will convey a message of “pain” to your brain. The brain will release endorphins to counteract the stomach “pain”, and you will get Today Fitness.

NOTE: The cayenne pepper does not really cause stomach pain, but nerves transmit the stomach’s reaction as pain.

Additional Natural Today Fitness

Your body can provide its own Today Fitness in other ways, too. Massage the crown of your head, consciously relaxing your entire body as you do so. Massage your ears, including ear lobes. Cool your nerves and muscles by placing a cold compress on your forehead or behind the neck. The body responds to all of these with Today Fitness.

Your body knows instinctively how to kill, or at least numb, pain with its own endorphins. It was created to do that. It has that ability from birth. For centuries, natural endorphins were man’s only pain killer - the only Today Fitness. You can, however, cripple that ability.

It has been shown that those who take synthetic pain killers actually increase their sensitivity to pain. That means that every pain killer that you take, prescription or not, will make Today Fitness less likely.

Ongoing Today Fitness

Immediate Today Fitness at the onset of an episode is the main goal of most migraineurs. You can have ongoing Today Fitness, however, through a regular exercise program. Such a program, done consistently, will help improve your response to stressors in life, and release endorphins.
