P90X and Twice-Daily Workout Help Me

Another Saturday has come and gone and another P90X Shoulders & Arms workout is in the books for me and my wife Kim. I love working out with her….it makes all the difference in the world.

She helps motivate me like no one else can. I’m still having trouble with my left kneecap and my right shoulder so I have to take it easy on a couple of the exercises at the end of the Shoulders & Arms DVD, but I can do all the rest just fine. The lying down triceps extension and the side tri rise exercises really put a lot of strain on my shoulder area so I’m only using half the weight and doing half the reps I used to do.

I’ve dogged it for almost 2 weeks now, hoping that my knee will get better and my shoulder will heal. The good news is….my knee is finally turning the corner and in the middle of the healing process. There were some days last week that I had difficulty even walking. It felt like there was a little rock in between the joint….no fun at all.

Both injuries came from playing racquetball…..I’m sure of it. I swung too hard at a “ceiling ball” and jumped too high in the air on the same shot and landed on the heal of my foot instead of the ball and jarred my knee joint. This always seems to happen to me once I start feeling really good. I forget to hold back just a little bit to protect against injury and blam…..I go and hurt myself. Bummer.

I’m going to push myself a little bit harder this week….I don’t want to re-aggravate anything, but I’m tired of dogging it almost completely. I’ll probably do Yoga X, Stretching X and Shoulders & Arms this week. I might wait one more week to play racquetball as well.

My partner and brother in law Jon hurt his knee as well and can’t play for a while either……another bummer.

I’m just going to keep plugging along. I know that even if I’m not losing all the weight I want to that I’m much healthier doing the workouts than I am if I don’t.

My wife Kim and I will have to get up earlier than normal for at least 2 more days this week…..I really want to make sure we do the workouts together…..I like having my workout buddy.

She responds really well to the P90X exercises and has pretty good results from it. Her arms especially have toned up big time. It’s fun to see.

Bring on the new week!
