P90X Daily Workout Results After One Month

Here I am at the end of 4 weeks of P90X and the results are in. I’ve lost 9 pounds total from day 1. I still have a long way to go. I lost most of that weight early on in the month….gained some of it back…..(bad eating habits) and then lost it again. I still want to lose over 60 pounds.

I am stronger than I was at the beginning of the month. I have better stamina. My knees are still wishy washy, but I’m moving tons better on the racquetball court.

This week I had a photo shoot in LA and was unable……or unwilling to work out. Our shoot schedules are always pretty full and it really is next to impossible to find time to work out unless I want to only get 4 or 5 hours of sleep and that puts my assignment at risk.

I did P90X Chest & Back Monday morning just before my flight out. I got home last night….Friday and played racquetball for 2 hours. When I came home, my knees and feet were extremely sore, so I iced everything. My gorgeous wife gave me a foot massage and today I feel pretty well.

Today Kim and I will end up doing P90X Shoulders & Arms with my brother in law Jon. He’s one of the guys I play racquetball with. His wife is the one that did P90X with us for the first 3 months out of the year. She just finished her radiation treatments for lung cancer and is doing well. She qualified for a new clinical trial that is over 80% effective at shrinking and destroying tumors.

We expect her to come through this and manage this ridiculous disease and live a long and productive life in spite of the current setback.

I will recommit to my P90X routine and do at least 5 workouts a week…..preferably 6. I will also play racquetball at least 3 times a week for at least 2 hours a session. I will be eating less meat than usual and I will be cutting back on everything that is not really healthy for me.

I started drinking diet sodas again during the last month and need to get back to only water. No more daily ice cream binges…I’ve done much better with this over the last 4 weeks, but need to pay attention here……it’s my Achilles heal.

My overall goal for the next 4 weeks is to lose 15 pounds.

“Do my best and forget the rest.”
