What Is The Best Time To Workouts For Weight Loss?

Fitness experts have not reached a consensus on the best time to workout. From what we know, there’s no one time of the day you will burn any more calories or build muscle faster. So finding the right time to work out is really based on what is right for you. What really matters though is you work out regularly and stick to a routine. So to help you figure what time might be right for you, we’ve put together a pros and cons list for each time of day.

Morning Workouts

Working out in the morning starts your day off on the right foot. If you start your day with a healthy choice like working out, it’s easier to make healthy choices throughout the rest of the day.

Working out gives you an endorphin boost, so if you work out in the morning you’ll be in a great mood all day. There are no distractions in the morning, so it’s harder to find excuses for putting off your workout.

If you workout in the morning, you have to wake up earlier. That’s not easy for everyone.

In the mornings your metabolism hasn’t kicked all the way on, so you may find it hard to get the energy to really push yourself during your workout.

Mornings can be hectic for some people, especially if you have children or a long commute, so it may be hard to get enough time for a full workout.


A midday workout can boost your energy leaving you more productive throughout the rest of the day.

If you have a very busy schedule, a midday workout, especially over your lunch hour can be a great way to fit in a workout.

If you have a sedentary job, a midday workout can be a great way to break up your days and reduce the damaging health effects of sitting all day.

With short lunch hours, it can be hard to fit a full workout in. Plus you will have to find time to change in and out of workout clothes and clean up before going back to work.

It can take away the time you need to eat. Plus eating right before and right after a workout is not always the most effective strategy to achieving your goals so it may be hard to find the right time to eat.

If you are working out over your lunch hour, you may be limited in the types of workouts you can do. There may be time for a quick jog but you may not have time for a yoga class.


Working out at night is a great way to destress after a long day at work.

Your joints and muscles are more flexible at night so you are much less likely to injure yourself.

Your energy levels may be higher and you will have more time to work out. So you can really push yourself at night.

It is much easier to blow off a workout at night. You may get invited to happy hour or to see a movie and decide to skip your workout.

After a long day you may be too tired or working out may just seem like an added hassle to your day. This can be a motivation killer.

Working out at night can cause insomnia making it more difficult to fall asleep.
